About us

Glencolton Farms

Glencolton Farms has been farmed bio-dynamically for 40 years.  We are a co-operatively owned mixed farm with an actively run farm bakery.  We have cattle, chickens, pigs, other fowl, horses, an orchard, and garden. We grow our own grains, which are baked into bread and other treats in our on-farm bakery. Our products include bread and other baked goods, meat, eggs, poultry, and vegetables. Our current market is direct sales to our customers and members. We have a farm bakery outlet, which is open every Friday afternoon.  We serve our shareholders products from the farm and surrounding organic or biodynamic farms.  The farm has a legal structure that is unique and is owned co-operatively by consumers which attribute them as co-producers essentially acting as a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

The Animals

Ontario the raw milk operation has been shut down and deemed to be illegal. With hopes of its revival pending court proceedings challenging the government on constitutional grounds Glencolton Farms will preserve the possibility to provide raw milk in the future. If you wish to support the farm and its endeavours please go to the fundraiser  and support us.

Glencolton Farms has been working with Rare Breeds Canada for over thirty years. Specifically we care for the Canadienne cow, the Texas Waddle, the British Large Black pig and the Romanov sheep. We also care for 3 beautiful horses and a pony.

Farm Products

We have a commercial kitchen on the farm and every week we produce a range of nutritious foods available for at the farm by appointment. We make traditionally fermented sauerkraut, fresh sourdough bread, and sweets. We sell local raw honey and maple syrup, our own pork, beef and chicken and any fresh produce we have available.